Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Arg!  What is happening?  Where did this month go?  It seems like only yesterday we were watching an in-flight movie and now we're talking about packing our bags.  Double arg!!

This morning for a special event, we went to the theater.  That's right-the theater (in a British accent please).  We saw a one hour, one man production of Le Petit Prince.  This story is universally known and adored and is classiquement français.  For those of you who are not familiar with the story, there's a new movie version coming out today and looks super sweet.  (Here is where I would paste the link to youtube so you could watch the trailer, or bande annonce, but the residence blocks youtube.  Charming.)

I'm not sure if the students liked the play as much as I did, but the theater (remember, in a British accent please) was air conditioned, so everybody won!

And now for our parasailing.  It was not to be.  The sea was angry my friends.  While not the best pictures, the huge waves are quite visible.  Nick and Holden jumped in and were tossed around like a salad for a little while until all swimming was called off.  The girls took a more 'let's just get splashed' attitude.

I must say that the second failed attempt to go parasailing has totally knocked the wind out of my (para)sails, and honestly am quite disappointed for the group.  We're going to try one more time tomorrow.  On croise les doigts. 

For our last residence meal (insert sniff here),

I thought a dégustation des pâtisseries would be appropriate.  Regardez!  

No trip to France would be complete with a smorgasbord of pastries.  Everyone got to taste what they wanted and I assure you, there was nothing left.

For our second to last night in Vieux Nice, we decided to do some shopping for gifts in the marché.

One more full day.  Bags must be packed and tears must be shed.  So goes life.  A demain, pour la dernière fois.

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