Monday, July 20, 2015


Boo hoo for us because it was too windy to parasail today, but it's on the calendar for next week! However, the lovely man at the water sports place offered us some fast raft rides instead.  Here are the brave riders!

And off they go!

I stupidly agreed to make up the fourth of a foursome.  (A picture of me in a bathing suit was not available at the time of publication-technical difficulties.)  Talk about commitment to one's job.  Ask either Alejandro, Daniel, or Emma how I reacted to this "fun" raft ride.  I kept loosing my grip and falling off the raft and poor Alejandro had to haul me back up on it more than once.  So basically, I almost died.

Tonight we went to see a movie at a local theater.  It was a documentary called Dior et Moi.  I chose it because it was half in English and half in French, but also because fashion plays a huge roll in France's culture and economy.  Many of our students fell asleep but I attribute that not to the quality of the film but more to quantity of the sun.

Tomorrow we're spending the whole day in the Gorges du Verdon.  You really should google this place to see some amazing pictures.  The Grand Canyon is known as the Gorges du Verdon of the States...C'est vrai!

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